Yo-Yo machines

Yo-Yo Machines are playful communicators you can easily build yourself to keep in touch with friends and family. From the website Made by a team of designers and technologists at Goldsmiths, University of London, the concept of having connected devices that can connect people on a distance can easily been seen as a IoT-archetype. There […]


This sounds interesting: “Whether you own or rent, Databrick helps you learn from the former occupants and green your home even after you exchange keys. It combines different levels of data, secured cloud service, and local data storage in your home (a smart meter or a broadband router).”

Moving to a more-than-human design practise

Twice speaker at ThingsCon Elisa Giaccardi published an article together with Johan Redstrom on Technology and more than human design: “we need to conceptually equip our design theory and methodologies for new alignments, move past the blind spots of human- centered design, and address the expanding universe of algorithms, forms of intelligence, and forms of life […]

Dutch court stops use of automated surveillance by welfare authorities

A Dutch court has ordered the immediate halt of an automated surveillance system for detecting welfare fraud because it violates human rights, in a judgment likely to resonate well beyond the Netherlands.https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/feb/05/welfare-surveillance-system-violates-human-rights-dutch-court-rules

The EU is considering a 5 year ban on facial recognition in public spaces

The European Union is considering banning facial recognition technology in public areas for up to five years, to give it time to work out how to prevent abuses, according to proposals seen by Reuters.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-ai/eu-mulls-five-year-ban-on-facial-recognition-tech-in-public-areas-idUSKBN1ZF2QL

Final prototype of the Ethical Stack by Virt-EU released

We have had Virt-EU involved in ThingsCon in multiple occasions and we were happy to contribute to the process of making this Ethical Stack. The final prototype is ready, “a series of tools to support creators of new connected technology to reflect on the ethical and social impacts of their products.” Check it out here:https://www.virteuproject.eu/servicepackage/ethical-stack/